A headwind for the next 24 hours

30 January 2019

All day today there is a headwind, as I’ve ended up in the centre of a developing cyclone inside of which the wind blows clockwise.  It is impossible to keep the boat in the same place.  Large head waves have been buffeting the boat, and I’ve had to turn it around and steer in the opposite course at 230-250 degrees.  I will wait for the wind to change.

The ocean isn’t letting me get to the 140th longitude.  I just have to come to terms with it and wait, even though it is upsetting to look at the onboard computer to see the coordinates changing in the opposite direction.  I’ve noticed that when I’m on course, Cape Horn seems to be getting closer so slowly, and all I have to do is turn around to sense that I am going the wrong way at breakneck speed.

It is raining.  It’s daytime here, dark enough to seems like evening.  I have some free time.  I am reading the Gospel According to John and keeping an eye on my instruments.

In good news, I was approached by some dolphins for the first time in 50 days.  A large pod.  They made me very happy and entertained me.  They circled the boat for a long time, studying it.  They were probably wondering what a human being is doing here.

Regards to all,

Fedor Konyukhov

49’39 South

141’20 West

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