Day 53

27 January 2025

On the night of January 26-27, I crossed the Prime Meridian in the South Atlantic and entered the Eastern Hemisphere. I haven’t been in the Eastern Hemisphere since November 1, 2024 (the day of departure from Moscow to Buenos Aires).

The ocean is greeting me harshly, the weather is getting worse. According to the forecast, winds are expected to reach up to 40 knots today and tomorrow, which will raise large waves

I switched the boat’s clock to UTC. Up until now, I had been living on Ushuaia time.

My next landmark is the longitude of the Cape of Good Hope – it is 18 degrees away in a straight line. This longitude also marks the symbolic border between the South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. I hope, with God’s help, to pass this part of the journey.

My coordinates: 45°50′ south latitude, 00°01′ east longitude

The route map is here.

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