Latest update from Fedor via Sat-C terminal:

18 February 2008

Position: 52,31.70S, 171,34.67W
Speed: 9 knots, Course: 97 deg.
UTC Time: 18. February 2008 08:47
wind  50-55  kt  W-S-W 

Very sad to hear that Groupama capsized. I know most of the crew personally and sailed with Yves Parlier in Vendee Globe 2000. Before it was good to know that there are other guys sailing in the Southern Ocean waters, but not any more.

Thanks God all crew is unhurt and got to the rescue vessels.

Here at 52 South it is very harsh conditions, with winds 50-55 knots, gusts up to 65 knots and monstrous seas. Some of the waves are half of my 110 ft mast. Difficult to breath on deck when you standing against the wind. The main sail is completely down lashed to the boom. I have 1/3 of the stay-sail and boat is going at 10 knots, surfing 15 knots from the waves. Very rough but boat is holding Ok and conditions are working. Fedor.

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